Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Are you doing what you love?

By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b


  • Posted by Janet Moore on July 18, 2010 at 3:30pm
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  • It's an established fact that people who work at something they love are far more successful than people who work at what they think will make the most money.

    If you think about it, it isn't surprising that the world is filled with people who hate their jobs and just look forward to weekends and holidays. If you're like me, you were taught from an early age that you should get good qualifications, get a good job with job security and work hard until your retirement, when you can then begin to enjoy life. We were steered away from a career doing the things we loved because
    they were too competitive or didn't give enough job security, or they didn't have a high enough earning potential.

    It's no wonder that people complain about the lack of work/life balance when there is such a profound distinction between work and life!

    Wouldn't it be great if your work felt like play, and it brought you a level of prosperity that today seems beyond the realms of possibility? Imagine getting up every morning excited about the day ahead instead of groaning at the prospect of going to work.

    Do you have a secret desire to do something completely different from what you're doing today? Do you know you're unhappy with what you're doing but don't really know what else to do? Have you discovered
    your life purpose?

    The reason that you're more successful when you do something you love is because you put so much more passion into what you do, so the outcome is so 
    much better. Instead of struggling to find a job, or find customers, these things will come easily if they are related to something that brings you joy, because of the level of commitment and enthusiasm you will naturally communicate...KEEP READING


    Linda Nuss
    Come join me on FaceBook!  or stop by www.lightmeupradio,com and pick up your FREE GIFT!

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