By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b
What are Limiting Beliefs?
As children people often develop values and beliefs based on the cultural tradition and family morals that they are bought up with. However, these beliefs can often that can fall short in the validity department due to changing contemporary values and culture.
The beliefs we established as children were often established according to a different set of circumstances and situations that we now find our selves in as we grow into adults. But, because we love our family, culture and, more often than not, enjoyed our childhood and upbringing, we think our beliefs to be imbued with an innate wisdom and truth that transcends our contemporary situation. We decide that the ways of our parents and ancestors served them well all their lives (or so it seems) and so we instinctively fall under the illusion that what worked for them should work for me. It is asubconscious decision but essentially we accept the truths and perceptions of our forbears as our own reality.
As we mature, the traditions and beliefs or our forbears sometimes begin to contradict our self discovered principles, and as they do we instinctively adapt them according to our situation and our own needs and requirements.
However, depending on how deeply our beliefs were imbued to use, sometimes it is almost impossible to shake them or adapt them to make way for our own needs. When this happens we can find ourselves in a sense of turmoil because we feel as though we are dishonouring our family or culture by trying to follow our own truth rather than adhering to the beliefs that were imparted to us.
Beliefs may hinder your ability to achieve what you want in life
Lots of people don't achieve the full potential of the mental capacity not because they don't have the opportunity or the ability to do so but because their mind is not clear due to limiting beliefs. Our mental faculties aren't so much limited by our education but more so by our upbrining. Our upbringing is mainly responsible for instilling our perceptions and attitudes of the world. Very often beliefs instaled by our parents or upbringing can result in Limiting Beliefs that hinder achieving our goals and desires because changing contempoary attitudes do not support those beliefs as they once did. KEEP ON READING!
Love and Light! Linda Nuss Check out my RELATIONSHIP WEALTH INVERSION PROGRAM!
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