Tune in on Friday @ 4 pm MST to find out what this amazing Healer has to say about HOW POWERFUL YOU ARE!
The “LIGHT ME UP!” Radio Shows intention is to leave you feeling more connected to the pure essence of who you really are. Bringing you back to that place of SELF LOVE and PEACE WITHIN! It doesn’t matter where you are in your journey, tune in EVERY FRIDAY @ 4:00 p.m. MST, put your feet up, feel as though you are with friends! The show is here to SERVE YOU!!
Monday, February 28, 2011
A PASSION FOR WHAT IS POSSIBLE WITH PANACHE DESAI 3/4/2011 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
Thursday, February 24, 2011
CREATE REAL LOVE IN YOUR LIFE with the TRUE ART OF BEING 2/25/2011 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
The True Art of Being and how it can heal your relationships and Life! Listen in on Friday @ 4 PM MST!!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
CREATE REAL LOVE IN YOUR LIFE with the TRUE ART OF BEING 2/25/2011 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
Get this on your calander folks! It's going to be a good one!!
Monday, February 21, 2011
CREATE REAL LOVE IN YOUR LIFE with the TRUE ART OF BEING 2/25/2011 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Just this morning I was having a conversation with my friend in Pakistan. He told me when he first met me, which was via the internet, that he thought I was Christian. I must look like a Christian apparently???? LOL. Anyway, he went on to tell me that he was shocked when I signed off our communication with the salutation “Namaste”.
He proceeded to ask me if I studied and followed Hinduism. I informed him that while the process of finding my own truth seemed to take me down the path of understanding and resonating with Eastern Philosophy more than anything else, that I did not label myself with any particular “group”. I have beliefs and truths for myself that come from all of the so called “groups”. I told him that if I HAD to label my belief system and practice as anything, that I guess it would have to be LOVE.
He proceeded to gift me a link to a website he thought had lots of good information regarding Peace and Love. He did this however, followed by making sure I didn’t think he was Muslim. I was so ecstatic that he provided me with the opportunity to let him know I could care less whether or not he was Muslim, and that he was my friend which was all that mattered.
This led into a discussion about the separation that is happening all over the world. He was brimming with anger and sadness while telling me about some of the extreme injustices that were recently taking place in his country. In his world there is struggle and deprivation and fear. How in that environment of this constant feeling of victimization, can one shift out that anger into a state of love?
I was acutely aware of my surroundings while I sat comfortably in my office with my nice cup of tea and beautiful sunshine coming into my window. I knew I probably have never in my life known the depth of victimization that he deals with on a daily basis. I’ve spent the last 14 years coming to terms with all my experiences that have kept me from Love (extremely minor I might add on a relative scale). My combined experiences pail in comparison to what he and his country face on a daily basis. I asked for Source to speak for me at this point because my mortal ego was perplexed at what I could possibly say that would make any sense to him.
How was I going to explain to him, while sitting comfortably in my SAFE home that LOVE was the only way out of this separation? How was I to help him understand that he must turn to that place inside of himself that is not of this world and greater than his physical body and his external “illusion” to not only heal his heart but to heal his family, his neighbors, his country and this planet? Was I asking the impossible? While this did seem almost the impossible to my friend, he understood. He would say “you’re right”. “I wished more people thought the way you do”. What he didn’t realize is that HE DOES think the same way I do, because he understood.
The question is whether or not we are courageous enough to believe that LOVE is the most powerful force that exists. That defensiveness, hate, retaliation, fear and victimization are weakening forces and create more of what we are fighting against. It takes courage to let your defenses down and replace them with love.
The feeling of vulnerability and exposure can be paralyzing. Even more scary, is to choose NOT to jump on the “band wagon” of other angry people who want revenge – who don’t yet understand – and then spread that message of love. The people that we love and are close to, can actually be the MOST intimidating people to share this message with. While the people we are close to are wallowing in anger and resentment and victimization, they will come to eventually realize they FEEL better when they are around the person who IS coming from that place of LOVE. It is then that they will begin to slowly understand.
Mahatma Gandhi was such an amazing example of what I speak of:
When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it--always.
Mahatma Gandhi
Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)
He knew that the only way to heal yourself was to be Love and to be Truth. He understood that “Hate begets Hate” and that nothing could be healed with revenge. What an amazing man and teacher he was!
In the end of our conversation we agreed that there is much to overcome but that it starts with us as individuals. We must first heal ourselves with love and then work our way out.
Take notice of where the inequality might lie within your own immediate environment. Is it possible, at some level, this world’s inequality is being reflected back to you as a subtle message to treat your wife, husband, child, sister, brother, friend, neighbor, employee etc. in a more equal and respectful way?? When you start to recognize your own behaviors and prejudice’s and heal your own views that separate you from others then you can authentically come from that place of love and be part of the shift in consciousness that will change the planet forever. It’s then and only then you can know peace.
I want to thank my friend for the opportunity to solidify this LOVE RELIGION of mine and to deepen my own conviction and dedication to Loving Awareness. My love goes out to him and his country and to all those who live in fear and lack. My heart overflows with LOVE for PEACE and I sit in GRATITUDE for my life!
Much Love and as always….Namaste!
Linda Nuss
Light Me UP!
Friday, February 18, 2011
AN ANSWER FROM HEAVEN 2/18/2011 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
INTERVIEW WITH GOT - TODAY @ 4 pm MST. Hear Mary Ann Luckett describe what happened to Scott Sutton after he died, had a nice 40 minute chat with God, and lived to tell about it. Hear what message God wanted him to share!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
AN ANSWER FROM HEAVEN 2/18/2011 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
FIND OUT WHAT GOD HAS TO SAY! Hear an inspiring story that will expand your heart! Tune in tomorrow - Friday @ 4 pm MST to hear this amazing true story!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
AN ANSWER FROM HEAVEN 2/18/2011 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
WHO WANTS REAL ANSWERS? Tune in on Friday @ 4 pm MST to hear what God has to say!
Monday, February 14, 2011
AN ANSWER FROM HEAVEN 2/18/2011 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
Find out what GOD has to say about AUTHENTIC LOVE! Don't miss this interview on Friday @ 4pm MST to find out!!
Friday, February 11, 2011
TO BE OR NOT TO BE - THE CHOICE IS YOURS 2/11/2011 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
35 Minutes until Showtime!! Show starts at 4 pm MST.... Treat yourself into a great weekend transition and listen! See you there!
TO BE OR NOT TO BE - THE CHOICE IS YOURS 2/11/2011 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
35 Minutes until Showtime!! Show starts at 4 pm MST.... Treat yourself into a great weekend transition and listen! See you there!
TO BE OR NOT TO BE - THE CHOICE IS YOURS 2/11/2011 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
CHOOSE SOMETHING GOOD TODAY! Listen in on an inspirational conversation with Barbara Hofmeister @ 4 pm MST!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Home < I Am Foundation
This is an amazing organization! These people are super "love" heroes in my book!! They just launched this new sight - take a look!!
Step Into Your Greatness NOW!
Posted by Admin on Feb 08, 2011 | Leave a Comment By Prasanna Gunturi - Knowing that life is a journey and we encounter obstacles, challenges and limitations on the way, we don’t expect a perfectly smooth ride. It seems that some of us are lucky and fortunate but for many, the ride is getting bumpier and bumpier. The cup of woes is overflowing… The question that naturally arises is: how can one stay positive? Most importantly, how does one transcend the negative energy flowing around us, ready to suck us in? Is it possible? Yes, it is. If only you are willing to step into your greatness NOW. Yes, this very moment. All it takes is a decision, a commitment that you will no longer play small, that you will no longer feel hopeless and powerless. All you have to do is “just believe” that you have the power within you to change your life and of those around you. As you empower yourself and step into your greatness, you will empower others to rise and shine and step into their greatness! We are not a machine. Nor a robot. Nor a supercomputer. We are a masterpiece. Compact, intelligent, self-governing. Perfectly designed and executed. A wonderful creation! We have in our possession, a priceless, powerful and anabolic powerhouse comprising of our body, mind and spirit. Caught in the world wide web of life, we have forgotten who we are and what we are capable of. It’s time to reclaim our true power. STEP INTO YOUR GREATNESS NOW… in THREE simple steps! Step #1: Respect your body and take care of it “To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” ~Buddha Our body is truly amazing! Trillions of cells. Organs. Organ systems. All working in perfect order and unison, coordination, collaboration and balance. Executing a zillion complex and extraordinary functions each day! And it all began with just two teeny-weeny cells? Did you know that our body recreates itself every 5 years, that there is no single old cell in the body at that time? Yet, we hardly see/feel anything out of place? Isn’t it remarkable considering all that goes into a product release and upgrade – version control, quality control, design control, program and project management, enhancements, maintenance, delivery, production etc? To think all these take place so seamlessly and effortlessly? There are people who take better care of their cars than they take care of their bodies. Love your body and appreciate all that it does for you to keep you in good health and shape. Step #2: Get out of the box and tap into your intuition Functionally, the mind can be divided into emotional mind, rational mind and intuitive mind. The rational mind allows us to think, reason, use logic, analyze. It helps us concretize an idea or an insight by applying rationale and logic to it, breaking it down into smaller and smaller units. READ ON FOR THE REST OF #2 and #3
By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b
TO BE OR NOT TO BE - THE CHOICE IS YOURS 2/11/2011 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
Don't miss this one! Coming up on Friday @ 4 pm MST!! It's all about CHOICE!
Monday, February 7, 2011
TO BE OR NOT TO BE - THE CHOICE IS YOURS 2/11/2011 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
Tune in FRIDAY @ 4 pm MST to hear Barbara Hofmeister's powerful insights regarding CHOICE!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Limiting Beliefs
By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b
What are Limiting Beliefs?
As children people often develop values and beliefs based on the cultural tradition and family morals that they are bought up with. However, these beliefs can often that can fall short in the validity department due to changing contemporary values and culture.
The beliefs we established as children were often established according to a different set of circumstances and situations that we now find our selves in as we grow into adults. But, because we love our family, culture and, more often than not, enjoyed our childhood and upbringing, we think our beliefs to be imbued with an innate wisdom and truth that transcends our contemporary situation. We decide that the ways of our parents and ancestors served them well all their lives (or so it seems) and so we instinctively fall under the illusion that what worked for them should work for me. It is asubconscious decision but essentially we accept the truths and perceptions of our forbears as our own reality.
As we mature, the traditions and beliefs or our forbears sometimes begin to contradict our self discovered principles, and as they do we instinctively adapt them according to our situation and our own needs and requirements.
However, depending on how deeply our beliefs were imbued to use, sometimes it is almost impossible to shake them or adapt them to make way for our own needs. When this happens we can find ourselves in a sense of turmoil because we feel as though we are dishonouring our family or culture by trying to follow our own truth rather than adhering to the beliefs that were imparted to us.
Beliefs may hinder your ability to achieve what you want in life
Lots of people don't achieve the full potential of the mental capacity not because they don't have the opportunity or the ability to do so but because their mind is not clear due to limiting beliefs. Our mental faculties aren't so much limited by our education but more so by our upbrining. Our upbringing is mainly responsible for instilling our perceptions and attitudes of the world. Very often beliefs instaled by our parents or upbringing can result in Limiting Beliefs that hinder achieving our goals and desires because changing contempoary attitudes do not support those beliefs as they once did. KEEP ON READING!
Love and Light! Linda Nuss Check out my RELATIONSHIP WEALTH INVERSION PROGRAM!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Valentines Day is around the corner and while I'm not a big "holiday" kind of person, I will give it credit for, at the very least, making LOVE be a conscious part of our day. The thing that drives me crazy about it though is, shouldn't everyday be special? Shouldn't everyday be an opportunity to show the person we love.... well.....that we love them??? The idea of the obligation of flowers, candy, sex (had to throw that last one in to see if you were paying attention) or whatever way one chooses to profess their love, seems to take away the authenticity in it, at least for me it does.
I know for some of you women out there that this is a BIG day! One of the few times a year that you get some extra attention and signs of "effort" from you're "lover'. It probably makes your man feel good to show you his affection in a "special" way as well (after he's gotten over the pain of having to try to figure out what to surprise you with). I know I'm sounding cynical here but why can't we make time to do these special things randomly throughout the year? When there isn't any obligation attached? You know how much more meaningful that would be and FEEL??
Life has us going at such a warp speed these days that it feels more like a couple of months has gone by since the last Valentines Day rather than a year. We can get so out of touch with the important things in our lives... like EACH OTHER and force ourselves into the societal patterns that end up governing the most precious things in our lives - OUR RELATIONSHIPS. The retail stores giving us our Que that it's time to pay attention to our partners and make them feel special.
I guess whatever works to make SURE that it happens at least a couple of times of year with this holiday or that holiday. One could see the benefits from that point of view I guess but Man! if that's the case, we have SO lowered our standards. Love is so important! I actually think I would have less of a problem with the Valentines Day thing if it were a reminder to LOVE THYSELF for at least a day. If it encouraged Self Love because THEN, I think it would attract the authentic love into our lives on a more regular basis from our partners (and all the people in our lives for that matter).
Valentines is okay in my book if it's an ADDITIONAL day to show your love, not the ONLY day. My point is this - show the person you love, that you love them... EVERYDAY. You can do this a million different ways with things such as a short neck rub, a really nice long heart felt hug, a tender kiss on each cheek, make them their breakfast, get up an refill their coffee for them or something along those lines. Simple, free and powerful. Every now and then it's nice to be surprised with flowers, candy or an unexpected "romantic rendezvous"!
I'm all about the LOVE! SELF LOVE, first and foremost, and then awesome relationship LOVE (it's the bomb!) - I know because I'm blessed to be in a relationship that supports each others HIGHEST GOOD and LOVE comes very naturally and freely from that. I feel special everyday because I get to and I choose to. Simple as that. He does the same and it allows us to appreciate each other in a way that leaves us both feeling special to each other on a daily basis.
Do it everyday though! It's wonderful to be mindful of the ones we love and enjoy the amazing connection that comes out of that! Share your heart everyday with the one you love. Choose to make it a priority and enjoy the benefits it brings to the relationship!!
Love and Light to you always!
Come join me on FACEBOOK!
P.S. If you want to attract WEALTH within your relationship or understand how to STRENGTHEN the foundation of your relationship - check this out! www.relationshipinversion.com
SUPPORTING YOUR TRUE ART OF BEING 2/2/2011 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
Friday, February 4, 2011
Meditation and the MIND - BODY HEALTH Connection with Sarah McClean 2/4/2011 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
Just MINUTES AWAY!! Treat yourself to a smooth transition into your weekend!!
Meditation and the MIND - BODY HEALTH Connection with Sarah McClean 2/4/2011 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
Thursday, February 3, 2011
SUPPORTING YOUR TRUE ART OF BEING 2/2/2011 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Prayer for Dismantling Guilt and Need for Control
Believe it or Not
I think we all have a little part of this belief running ramped in our subconscious vault. It's better to call it out and desolve it rather than let it create havic in our lives. Just an impromptu impulse to write about it.
All the guilt and control that I grew up with made me a good person! I believe without it I would not be as good as I am today. It is only through guilt and control that people understand right and wrong and therefore should be made to feel guilty if they do not follow the standards and beliefs that I've been taught to believe. If they live without the looming guilt and are left to make their own choices they will not be as good of a person. Therefore I will make sure they live up to MY standards and MY expectations or I will not give them my love.
Prayer for Dismantling Guilt and Need for Control
I AM LOVE therefore I cannot be anything else BUT love. I know that I am not separate from God and that I am connected to everyone. My feelings about life up to this point have come from outside of me because that's all I have known. I am starting NOW to love myself without any guilt or feeling of not being good enough. I will connect to that deeper part of myself and all my limiting beliefs that are not serving my highest good will be dissolved. I KNOW I AM good enough just because I AM. I AM "being" a vessel for Gods love. I am co-creating with this Source Energy by offering love instead of judgment and righteousness and the need to control or be controlled. I forgive myself for forgetting who I really AM so I can begin to understand the suffering of "separation" in others and forgive. I release judgment on myself so I can begin to release judgment on others knowing that all is in perfect order. I will surround myself in love and everything that supports Love and open doors for others to enter through. When I act in "LOVE" everything changes and my life is easy! I FEEL GOOD, I'M THANKFUL for___________________________
Everything is in perfect order!!!
Join me on FaceBook! and my website: LightMeUp Radio!
Meditation and the MIND - BODY HEALTH Connection with Sarah McClean 2/4/2011 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
Want to know more about MEDITATION? Be sure you catch this interview with Sarah McLean. She's amazing!!