Monday, January 31, 2011

Meditation and the MIND - BODY HEALTH Connection with Sarah McClean 2/4/2011 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio

Check out this website I found at

Coming SOON! FRIDAY 4 p.m. MST - Want to be inspired and empowered? Sarah McLean will be on the LIGHT ME UP Radio Show to give some great empowerment tools to inspire your life!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

What Dogs Can Teach You About Life

By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b 

I used to be terrified of dogs. That’s probably because when I was much younger, I was almost bitten by a stray. For years after that fearful incident, whenever I saw a dog I would stay as far away as I could. I even remember jumping onto the sofas in my friends’ house just to avoid coming into contact with their dogs.

I know I know… it’s rather silly… but back then the phobia was so real. I’m really glad that in recent years, I have learned to let go of this irrational fear and grown to love these friendly, adorable and loyal creatures =)

Today, I just want to share with you something a friend sent me about dogs and life. Hope you like it!

The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue.

The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue.
- Anonymous
There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.
- Ben Williams

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.

- Josh Billings



I LOVE dogs!  They make me feel love.  That's all they are is LOVE!  Ever stopped to think what DOG spelled backwards looks like?

Hope you enjoyed this post.  I sure did!

Love and Light!


Linda Nuss -

Friday, January 28, 2011

WALKING THROUGH ILLUSION 1/28/2011 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio

Check out this website I found at

15 Minutes until Showtime!!

WALKING THROUGH ILLUSION 1/28/2011 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio

Check out this website I found at

Betsy's insightful and inspiring. This is an interview you'll want to make sure you catch. If you can't make it today you can catch it whenever it's convenient but definitely "catch" it!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


by Linda Nuss on Monday, January 24, 2011 at 7:59pm

Connection is Key to Love of any kind!

Dear Friends and "Sisters" of Mine,

It's time to take charge of your life and quit thinking things are going to change when you keep doing things the same as you've always done them.

If you've followed me at all on FaceBook or my LIGHT ME UP! Radio show, then you know how passionate I am about self love and spiritual empowerment!  It kills me to see women suffering in their relationships and thinking that it HAS to be that way.

I've FINALLY decided to serve my fellow Sisters and provide an affordable and effective way to gain understanding as to what's keeping you stuck and unhappy in your life and relationships.  You are powerful beyond measure and YOU HOLD THE KEY to unlock the door to the life you deserve!

If you can relate to this - I can help!

I am setting up a 5 Week Program that includes a weekly 60 - 75 minute group call.  During the 5 week program I will be including 2 extra one hour Q&A calls to address any burning questions you may have.  I will be presenting the KEY reasons why women get stuck and surrender to feeling unhappy in their relationships.  I will provide you with the tools and concepts to begin to create the change you're looking for in order to, either create REAL change in your current relationship, or create the kind of relationship you may be seeking.


It's amazing and liberating to unleash the "You" that has been hiding for so long.  There is HUGE benefits in having a circle of loving, nurturing women who can totally relate to you and support one another.  You will feel an unmistakable organic bond that occurs in these group situations.  Trust me when I say that the truth about WHY things are the way they are, will be the same for every person in the group - no matter how different their individual circumstances may be.

I will be accepting only 12 people in this group in order to keep it more intimate, so if you're interested - act fast.

Message me on FB or email me for cost. The class will be starting the week of Feb. 14th and deposits will be needed to reserve your spot. I'm so excited to be offering this and look forward to working and connecting with 12 of you Lovely ladies out there!

Love and Light to you!



Come join me on FACEBOOK and TWITTER!

Monday, January 24, 2011

WALKING THROUGH ILLUSION 1/28/2011 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio

Check out this website I found at

Tune in on FRIDAY @ 4 pm MST! Betsy Otter Thompson is an expert on overcoming obstacles and finding your purpose!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Do you ever feel so overwhelmed by all the things that needs to get done? Do you feel like you are a sinking ship that is going down fast?  I think it's safe to say that we've all been there - including myself.

I get so wrapped up in all the external "gotta get this done" crap that I forget which way is up or down.  The feeling of importance that comes with being busy and accomplishing, accomplishing, accomplishing is ridiculous.  What if  don't do all this crap I have lined up for myself and what do I tell the people who are expecting it from me?

I sometimes get so caught up in the "doing" that "being" gets left in the dust. Ever feel like that?  It's exhausting!  I seem to catch myself in that pattern over and over again.  Kind of like drinking too much and saying "I'm done with that - never again!"  Then the next weekend you do the same thing again.  (Just to clarify - I don't even drink anymore but I was young and a bit "crazy" once upon a time).  It's really quite unbelievable how we forget to CHOOSE our life in any given moment.

I've at least become conscious enough to know when I'm doing this and will catch myself.  When I'm feeling overwhelmed and feeling doubt about myself and fear about anything, I stop myself  and "connect" to the Spirit within me and just listen.....

It's in these times of feeling so overwhelmed and exhausted that I will  remember the relationship I have with me - WITHIN me - at all times.  And then I "just connect".  What a powerful source and tool this proves to be for me whenever I remember it's there and waiting.  When I do remember, all I have to do is stop - connect and listen!

I can literally feel that Energy move through me an into my heart.  Often times if flows out my mouth into something that inspires me and the people around me.  What an awesome force!  I'm so lucky recognize this ability and feel the sheer magnitude of It's presence.   We all have this within us but if you don't ever STOP to listen and "connect" it's unlikely it will hold the powerful UMPH that it otherwise could.

All I can do is to encourage you to try it!  That Source is just waiting your arrival and friendship and wants nothing more than to move through your day with you.  To lighten the load and make all your burdens seem less.

So I'll go forth in my day being mindful of this magnificent Source that is in me and continue to serve in the best way I know how.  I'll go forth in Love because that is what this Energy I speak of, truly is and I'll go forth and "BE" the person I AM rather than the one I think I need to be. I'll do this until I notice once again, that I'm NOT doing this... and so it goes.  The Ebb and Flow of it all.

Ahhh, LIFE.  Quiet yourself and JUST LISTEN!

Love and Light to all of you!



Come join me on FaceBook! and Twitter!

Thursday, January 20, 2011



This is such a common thing I see over and over again! Women in relationships feeling stuck and unhappy.   Their husbands control almost every aspect of their life.   Did your ears just perk up a bit because you can relate?

It makes me crazy!!   To see women putting up with this when the solution is right there, WAITING to be acknowledged and discovered.   The ironic thing is, it's  something that only they can change.  Now don't get offended.  I was you at one point and time so I completely "get it".


I'm here to tell you some empowering news....  It has nothing to do with changing your Partner or Husband.  You have the complete power to change everything!   I know you must be thinking - "whatever"... she doesn't know my husband.  There's no way I can change ANYTHING!  The truth of the matter is...that thought alone is just another un-serving belief!  It's coming from a place of fear.



 The typical response I hear and the typical "reactive" behavior  goes something like this:   " God! He's such and A**Hole.   He just wants to have a say in everything I do but he gets to do whatever he wants in the relationship, when he wants!"  "Selfish!"


 There are actually women out there NOT working out, NOT wearing make up when they would like to, NOT reading Personal Development books and NOT going to church or exploring spirituality (just to name a few) BECAUSE their husbands give them too much grief to make it worth it. .  Are you one of them?  There's a reason the men in your life do not want you to do things like this.  They are much too unconscious to even realize it themselves, but hey are fearful of loosing you (the very thing they may end up creating with their behaviors).   They are much more comfortable keeping you under their thumb.  Have you noticed whenever they push you a little too far, they switch to the "kissy face" "mister nice guy" control method.  And so it goes.  The ugly vicious circle.  But honestly - that's more about them and really has nothing to do with you.

If this is you....Let me give you some good news. The #1 reason this is happening is because you are ready for growth.   The opportunity is presenting itself to give you the "choice" to  be open to developing a whole new level of existence.

If for some reason you just aren't ready, don't worry, the opportunity will continue to present itself again and again, until you finally do something about it.  Believe me, the Universe is pretty relentless in giving you what you look at.  If you are looking at your husband who doesn't support you and is making you feel stuck and unworthy, then by all means, it will give you just that.


Honestly, all it takes is a change in perception.  It requires focus and a willingness to be open to new ideas and challenge old beliefs.  What I can guarantee you is that you're husband is not the problem.  Don't for one second think he has that kind of power.  It all about YOU.   You hold within yourself the KEY to unlocking the life you don't even dare to dream about.  You have the ability and the knowledge within you and just need a little guidance, that's all.

Don't fear my friend.  Your life is playing out perfectly.  All is in alignment with where you need to be.  You will choose the right path no matter what.  Hopefully you will choose with love in your heart for yourself and start the journey of living and creating your life on purpose!

If you want to explore further and would like a free 15 minute consultation with me, please email me: or call and leave me a message:  970-674-7339

I want nothing more than to help you understand how amazing you really are!!!

Namaste my friend!


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Check out my website:


Sunday, January 16, 2011

How Important Is Touch In A Relationship?

 By Linda Nuss - Source:  domaing-b

man massaging woman

Physical contact is vital to a relationship. Here’s how touch can work wonders for you and your partner.

By Brett Smith

Have you ever held your partner’s hand and felt a tingling sensation through every cell in your body? Ever yearned for a hug from your partner, more than anything else in the world? Is it an essential part of relationships?

Humans thrive on touch. Research has shown that, for humans and animals, a lack of physical contact can lead to emotional disturbances, reduced sexual interest and even a weakened immune system.

Studies have shown that infants deprived of skin contact lose weight and can become ill. Online dating site found that touch was as important in some relationships as sex, conversation & commitment.

“Touch is as important as breathing,” explains researcher Tiffany Field. Without it, children do not grow and develop.

“Sensory deprivation makes people depressed and immune-compromised, and gives them emotional pain and physical damage,” she says.

We all crave our partner’s touch but it can be difficult for some men to admit they need it. From a young age, many boys are discouraged to go running to their mother for comfort when things get tough.

When they grow into men, they may then associate hugs with weakness, and may show a lack of affection to their partners. Humans not only thrive on touch, but relationships do too.

Some women in relationships complain that their partner only initiates physical contact as a precursor to sex. And yet many women crave physical intimacy so much that they sometimes agree to have sex simply to fulfill this desire for warmth and closeness. KEEP READING...



Linda Nuss



Follow me on FACEBOOK and stop by and see me!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b 


Learn Why You Should Never Have to Settle In a Relationship

dating, dating advice, dating tips, relationships, relationship advice, relationship tips, relationship column, dating column, unhealthy relationships

"How can I feel so alone when there are so many people around?"
That is the quote that was written on the stairwell of my college dorm 25 years ago.  I totally related to it as a freshman, and still think about it now.

New York University (NYU), being in Manhattan, is always a center of activity and there are masses of people everywhere.  As a newbie to the city, I knew no one, and had yet to connect with others that I felt a chemistry or kinship with - my roommates had no clue how to do laundry!!   How was I supposed to connect with them? 


The truth is loneliness is about being alone, as in no one being around you.  Feeling alone is when people are around you, but you feel no warmth, intimacy or connection.   So, whether you are in a big city, or in the “wrong” relationship, you can feel alone.  The sad thing is that many women stay in relationships for years where they feel alone!    
Maybe they feel that "No one else will love them," or cannot bear to think of spending an evening or weekend without a boyfriend.  What would they do if they did not have a boyfriend to make them "miserable?"  Hmmm, maybe they would start a new job, hobby or exercise routine.  But, instead of moving on, they become comfortably uncomfortable.  Sometimes they even marry Mr. "Well you are better than nothing."  Months or years go by; they lose the spring in their step, the glow in their complexion, and the sparkle in their eyes.  Then, one day they meet a new guy who they sense a connection with, and finally, the relationship that should have ended years ago does, and the married couple becomes a divorce statistic.


OK, enough sad stuff.  Let's rise above this scenario.  Let's make sure the guy we attach ourselves to makes our heart smile. THIS IS WORTH READING - KEEP GOING!!




Linda Nuss

Follow me on FACEBOOK and stop by and see me!

Friday, January 14, 2011

A healthy self esteem leads to a healthy relationship – Part One

By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b

A healthy self esteem leads to a healthy relationship Pt 1

Relationship expert, Whitney Casey (Whitney is also a spokeswoman for  and Ranee Alison Spina, author of ‘I am before I do’, discuss the importance of having high self esteem in order to find a healthy relationship, and how the people you choose to surround yourself with impact your sense of well-being.

They talk about it being reciprocal… Just as a healthy self esteem will help you to make better choices in your personal relationships – good quality personal relationships help to build your self esteem!

Learn how to change  the inner channel of that negative self-critic and let go of people in your life who are not supportive.  CLICK HERE FOR PART 2




Linda Nuss

Follow me on FACEBOOK and stop by and see me!

LOVE FOR NO REASON 7 Steps to Creating a Life of Unconditional Love 1/14/2011 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio

Check out this website I found at

LOVE, LOVE , LOVE!! Make sure to catch Marci Shimoff on the LIGHT ME UP Radio show ! Starts in one hour 4 pm MST!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


How would you feel if you knew you had complete power to design and create your life any way you wanted? I know, you’ve heard it over and over again and you might be thinking to yourself “Ya, whatever!  Why do I feel so miserable and feel so powerless to change anything??!

This is a year to commit to changing the way you move through your life.  No more “auto pilot”! This is strictly a “manual” operation I’m talking about here.  Does it take more focus and require being more present?  Yes, absolutely it does.  It needs your attention to be on where you are in the moment and where you want to be!

See, the problem is that we are all like computers.  We have software that is running the show.  It’s been installed by parents, society, experiences and even possibly some past life energies that we came in here with.

Rather than blame all those things I just mentioned, for feeling like your life is “less than”, let’s play a game and pretend. Let’s pretend that all of the things that have happened to you and everything that you have experienced up to this very moment, was pre-determined before you were ever even incarnated.  Remember, we’re just pretending for now…..

Let’s say that we were born into this game of life to experience a bit of EVERYTHING.  All of the possible emotions available to us to get to FEEL the contrast and then pick and choose what “feels” best to us.

This is sometimes hard to do in times of deep grief but we can always choose where to anchor ourselves.  If someone close to you dies, obviously there will be grief and some time to process this but we can also choose to feel grateful for having had them in our lives.  For all of the great experiences we had from knowing them.  I use this as an example because it’s such a powerful thing to experience and can be very devastating but there is a way to feel better faster when you choose to look at things from a feeling good perspective.

Having used loss of a loved one as an example sort of makes everything else seem a little easier to try feeling good about.  Even if you can’t find anything good from a particular experience, there are always other things you can think about that can make you feel better.  THAT’S the power I’m talking about.

We have the ability in any given moment, in any circumstance, to change how we look and feel about something.  We have the ability to find something to shift our focus in order to derail the freight train of victimization, sadness, self loathing and so on….

Make this the best year ever and choose to choose so you can enjoy the game of LIFE!

Make sure to follow me on FaceBook for all the latest and greatest!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Are You Ready for a Dazzling, Love-Filled Life?

What if you could feel like you’re in love EVERY DAY of your life? And what if you could dissolve any heartache, pain, or emptiness and experience the ecstasy of an open heart?

You can. . . by learning how to Love for No Reason.

In her extraordinary new book Love For No Reason: 7 Steps to Creating a Life of Unconditional Love, my friend and colleague Marci Shimoff, #1 New York Times bestselling author, shows you how to experience a deep and lasting state of love that doesn’t depend on another person, situation, or romantic partner.  You’ll be able to:

  • Open your heart and become a magnet for love
  • Enjoy more fulfilling relationships with others AND yourself
  • Turn off your body’s stress response and turn on your body’s love response for better health and well-being
  • Experience more success and satisfaction
  • Help your family, community, and the world

Marci’s onto something BIG.  I’m heartily recommending this breakthrough book to everyone, giving it two VERY enthusiastic thumbs up!

Get it TODAY, and you’ll also receive the exclusive “Love For No Reason Gift Package” as a BONUS.  Click here:

P.S.  If Marci’s name sounds familiar. . .it should!  She’s the author of the international bestseller Happy for No Reason, six top titles in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, and a teacher in the hit film The Secret.  Now, in Love for No Reason, Marci shares the most important life-changing message of all. I urge you to get a copy today!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The 5 Rules of Mind Body Healing and How to Instantly Apply These Principles in Your Life

By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b

Alpha level brain waves, positive expectancy and creative visualization and the remarkable effect these tools can have on helping your body heal faster.

Power of Healing

The breakthrough you’re about to discover on this page has been used by over 6 million people in 111 countries. It has helped many of them reduce symptoms and aid in healing, from minor ailments to serious illnesses. It’s a process of relaxation and imagery therapy called The Silva Method.

The Silva Method is based on the idea that the mind-body connection is extremely powerful in healing and with the right mental attitude and with specific practices, you can dramatically speed up healing while working with your doctor.

So has it been proven by science? Yes!

Dr. William Braud was one of the pioneers of studying the mind’s effect on healing. After hundreds of experiments performed at the San Antonio Mind Science Research Center, Dr. Braud observed the following…

The Five Rules for Mind-Body Healing

Dr. Braud outlined five major mental techniques that he believed have important effects on the self-healing processes.

The Five Mental Techniques Are:



Linda Nuss

Follow me on FACEBOOK and stop by and see me!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Prayer for Dismantling Guilt and Need for Control

Believe it or Not

I think we all have a little part of this belief running ramped in our subconscious vault.  It's better to call it out and desolve it rather than let it create havic in our lives.  Just an impromptu impulse to write about it.


All the guilt and control that I grew up with made me a good person!  I believe without it I would not be as good as I am today.  It is only through guilt and control that people understand right and wrong and therefore should be made to feel guilty if they do not follow the standards and beliefs that I've been taught to believe.  If they live without the looming guilt and are left to make their own choices they will not be as good of a person.  Therefore I will make sure they live up to MY standards and MY expectations or I will not give them my love.

Prayer for Dismantling Guilt and Need for Control

I AM LOVE therefore I cannot be anything else BUT love.  I know that I am not separate from God and that I am connected to everyone.  My feelings about life up to this point have come from outside of me because that's all I have known.  I am starting NOW to love myself without any guilt or feeling of not being good enough.  I will connect to that deeper part of myself and all my limiting beliefs that are not serving my highest good will be dissolved.  I KNOW I AM good enough just because I AM.  I AM "being" a vessel for Gods love.  I am co-creating with this Source Energy by offering love instead of judgment and righteousness and the need to control or be controlled.  I forgive myself for forgetting who I really AM so I can begin to understand the suffering of "separation" in others and forgive.  I release judgment on myself so I can begin to release judgment on others knowing that all is in perfect order.  I will surround myself in love and everything that supports Love and open doors for others to enter through.  When I act in "LOVE" everything changes and my life is easy!  I FEEL GOOD, I'M THANKFUL for___________________________

Everything is in perfect order!!!



Join me on FaceBook! and stop by and visit me on my LIGHT ME UP! website!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Spiritual Relationships

By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b







Relationships are one of the best and toughest paths to Self-realization. Yogis who fast, remain celibate, take vows of poverty, and live in caves have selected a difficult course. But that’s child play compared to being a "house holder", a term used in India for one who pursues the spiritual path while having a job, raising a family, maintaining a home and all the concomitant responsibilities. Now that is an arduous path!


Some say soul mates are the ones who can push our buttons the best and who drive us crazy at times.


Others believe that everything flows effortlessly and peacefully with soul mates. Either may be true at different times depending on the agendas of the Souls involved. If I need to increase in patience and understanding, what better way than living with three females who have synchronized hormonal cycles? Who said God doesn’t have an interesting sense of humor!


The issue of relationships becomes very interesting when we remember we each are Eternal Souls. Relationships are not coincidental or unimportant. Think of the thousands of persons we encounter in our lifetimes; why do we form close and lasting relationships with one person but not another? We have to deal with recurring negative relation-ships sooner or later. Why not now?


Don’t be "held back" and experience a "hell" of lower quality living because of unresolved relationship issues. Serious spiritual seekers will make optimal relationships a priority. Love is the key and relationships provide a life long workshop for giving and receiving love. If persistent problems plague your relationships, consider the soul or karma aspects in addition to usual counseling considerations.


Remember that roles may have been reversed or quite different in past incarnations. For example, your rebellious son may have been your stern mother in an earlier life. Look beyond the usual dynamics and discern patterns that may need addressing. Past life regressions under hypnosis can assist healing relationship problems by letting go of past life conflicts.


One way to discern if you’re relating to a soul mate is to recall the first time you met in this life. Remember the description of memory triggers or cues that are planned just before souls return for new incarnations? In reviewing my first meetings with loved ones, time seemed to stand still for a moment. My brain seemed to whir faster than usual as if trying to comprehend the various energies and feelings. I felt happy inside as our eyes met and we held the gaze longer than customary or comfortable during first meetings.


One of Dr. Newton’s clients told of a memory trigger at age seven involving a silver pendant. The pendant of a neighbor lady shone brightly in the sun and the woman smiled at him. They became fast friends and, describing the event from the soul’s pre-incarnation perspective, he said "I will know her only a short time before we move, but it is enough. She will read to me and talk to me about life and teach me to respect people."


As one progresses toward greater personal growth and heightened consciousness, relationships may encounter a new type of stress. One person may be actively involved with spiritual and holistic health improvementwhile the other couldn’t care less. The relationship may suffer if this gulf widens and interests remain markedly different. The rapidly changing partner may be in an overzealous or self-actualizing phase while the more orthodox partner may be content with the status quo. People hear the call in different times and ways. Spiritual wake-up calls may be misinterpreted as a marital problem, mental illness, or life-stage crisis. More persons will be experiencing "calls to action" as the time arrives for them to let their soul’s Light shine. For those desiring optimal soul growth, life’s dynamics will heat up until we agree to share our special gifts that contain the keys to realizing Heaven on Earth.  KEEP READING



Linda Nuss

Follow me on FACEBOOK and stop by and see me!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Expand and Contract! Surf the waves!

It's interesting the polarity of it all.  Letting go and completely trusting is the most amazing gift that is available to us all and should be the easiest thing to do, yet it's not.  It's the hardest because of our ego and it's need to keep us safe, we don't let go.

That is where all of our pain comes from - the resistance to completely surrendering to Source.  That is part of the journey though, part of our Souls evolution.

We constantly have the freedom to creatively choose to expand and connect, retract and be human, expand and connect, retract and be human.  Like the breath or the ocean tide.

When we are expanding we have this feeling of ease and movement, riding the wave so to speak.  When we contract we are left to paddle and swim towards the direction of what we want until we are open enough to receive and ride the next wave.

It's all perfect and whether or not you completely release, let go and trust Source, everything is in perfect order because it's through the struggles that you have the opportunity to expand and evolve.

Whenever I'm coaching and it's generally relationship coaching, it always comes back to trusting that it's all in perfect order.  The "ebb and the flow" of it all.  We cannot change anything outside of ourselves until we first consciously realize what we focus on.

When we become conscious about choosing our thoughts towards what we want and what we are grateful for, rather than the things that we don't want and are bringing us pain, it is then and only then, that we  can manifest what we truly desire.

My desire is for all of you to know your own power and beauty.  Love yourself and every part of your experiences.  Allow Source to experience itself, in you, as you and for you!



Come Join Me On FACEBOOK!

Or stop by my website and sign up for my free gift to you!  "Can You Feel Free and Happy in Your Relationship?" Inquiry with a series of 5 Audios that get you on your way to creating beautiful relationships.

Monday, January 3, 2011

An important day ! here's why :-)

By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b

I woke this morning, and recalled a morning 26 years ago today when dad placed a call to me in my work. I was 20 years old.  A graphic designer. Working in a beautiful Stately home on a typesetting machine.

I dropped the phone, made my excuses and walked slowly for 6 miles into the city of Bath where I lived.  It was beautifully sunny.  Amazingly calm. I could hear the breeze rushing through the bare branches and I heard her whispering to me.

I held in my heart that this was best. That there wasnt any more pain for her, and that as long as I felt the breeze on my face, I would feel her in my heart.

In 26 years, I just calculated I have owned 5 houses, lived in the UK, Lanzarote and Australia. I have been married twice, and have had three beautiful daughters. I have learned to live, to love, to laugh and to lose.   I have learned that life is a gift and you should use it wisely.   My experience showed me that the people who come alongside to share with you, do not define you -  they enrich you and bless you and ultimately we set each other free to continue onward to bless and enrich others.

I remember standing on the ramparts of the medieval city of Carcassonne in 2001 after my first marriage ended. I looked over the poppy fields from the walls of this 2600 year old magnificent edifice.  I thought of the 70/80 years I may be present in this life, that these walls will keep standing, the world keep turning and I wondered how many other people after me would stand in this place and think as I was thinking.

Why am I blogging this? KEEP READING TO FIND OUT




Linda Nuss

Follow me on FACEBOOK and stop by and see me!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Changing Your Thoughts and Emotions

By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b

A New Pathway is Possible

Thoughts and Emotions
In a 1997 study, researchers at Duke University found that negative thoughts altered emotions and caused physical symptoms leading to ischemia of blood vessels. The study summarized that positive emotions reduced the risk of ischemic attacks.

Since then, additional studies in the field of PsychoNeuroImmunology (PNI) have examined the role of thoughts and the mind on the body, right down to the cellular level. Despite the wealth of information available, it is hard to simply start thinking positive thoughts all the time.

However, changing the way that you think is possible.

New Pathways
For this to happen, new pathways, i.e. thought patterns, have to be made in the brain and the most efficient method of creating lasting change is through breathing and meditation.

Constantly dragging the past or concerns about the future around with you keeps the body in a negative energy state. Applying the right thoughts, emotions, and behavior comes after creating space within the mind for new patterns to emerge. Aversions and preferences fade away until you remove the patterns of the past to create space for a new present to occur.

It takes energy to produce energy and this is true for all actions, including meditation.

Creating Change
During meditation, with the mind still and centered on the breath or your choice of focus, the brain works at keeping the breath slow, calm, and steady. As the breath slows, the mind becomes steady and less prone to random thoughts...KEEP READING






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Saturday, January 1, 2011



If you're like me, you've probably heard it all your life....."It's better to give than to receive".  Notice as you start reading this blog if you subconsciously feel a little sting of judgment around questioning this idea - as, if you even consider anything other than this thought, that you are, or I am, or someone is a wee bit selfish.


It's even a bit weird for me to write it down because it I know what I'm going to talk about here, is receiving.  God forbid we think of ourselves first right???  Now, I'm not suggesting that giving is bad.   I believe a person can expand and connect so much deeper to others and to their own inner Light when giving.  I'm merely going to talk about the divinity in receiving because it so often gets left out and it's a very important part of the flow!


The tide comes in and goes out, our breath goes in and goes out, we have moments of pleasure and of pain, we make money, we spend money, the sun comes up and then it goes down, the spring yeilds blooms only to have them leave in the fall.  This list goes on because that is life.  Full of polarity and the "yin and yang" of it all.


So why is it when it comes to receiving, we resist.  There's this subtle "unconscious" part of ourselves that tell us we are selfish to take what's brought to us.  We may take and recieve but not in a way that we embrace and know we deserve it.  I know from my own perspective, I'll receive and feel very grateful but if I really stop to notice deep down how I'm feeling....there's a bit of I'm not worthy, I'm so lucky to be getting this. 


If only we could receive from the perspective of knowing that it is part of the "flow".  That it is necessary to receive with the absolute knowing that whatever it is you're receiving, has been provided to you BECAUSE you know you're worthy and expect good things to happen and to find you.


When you become a "yes" person to life whether it is in serving others, or in receiving and relishing in both, you create a natural "flow" and rythem to your life.  Like the tides and the season and so forth.  It's truly our natural way to be. 


In the New Year, allow yourself to receive.  Embrace and understand it's part of the flow.  Know you are deserving of it and be in love with it.  Continue to give with LOVE and gratitude as well and what manifests for you will be nothing short of beauty.


Life will seem easier, you will feel you have more time, your experiences will be joyful and when you are concious about the shift, you will know why things seem and feel different.  You will be in the natural "flow" of the giving and the receiving and life will unfold in ways you never thought possible!

May your New Year be blessed with many abundant gifts of love, joy, comfort, peace and friendship!  Open your hearts and set the intention to receive exactly what you need in the New Year to make 2011 the best year of your life so far!



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