By Linda Nuss
Seriously, I do! Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the awareness of the “gift” I’ve been given. When I’m most conscious about this and feeling such gratitude and appreciation, it will send me into a realization about how little I actually live and leaves me knowing I’m heading into a future of having to constantly choose to live BIG. I’m all about simple because I believe that lot’s of “stuff” equals lot’s of weight which I do not want, however, I want to live BIG. I want to experience LIFE and all of its amazing wonders! I believe it’s happening as I write this blog and every moment I feel excited about the next moment.
I don’t always get to write about this because I’m not always sitting in such gratitude. I just happen to be right now. Something tells me you can probably relate to the ebb and flow of gratitude. I WILL say that it does build momentum though. Try to consciously be in gratitude more and more and you’ll see the more and more it just is. Maybe you have experienced this. Either way, I know for sure that gratitude breeds gratitude.
It pains me to say that I’ve been called “weird” a lot throughout my life. Actually, honestly, I’ve sort of always appreciated the label (in a weird sort of way). I guess I never have been overly offended by it because somehow it affirmed my “non-conformity” to the standard conditioned ideas. If it seems I’ve jumped “off course” from the I LOVE LIFE topic, I have I guess, but there is actually an explainable route my brain went that got me here and if you stick with me I’ll explain how it all ties in together.
I got to thinking about some of the things (and I mean just “some”) that have invoked such labeling towards me as being “weird”. Okay – here goes….. I talk to spiders, bugs, squirrels, bee’s and trees –to name just a few. My love for animals is crazy BIG! Animals, especially Dogs, fill me up and make my heart expand in all directions. You see, I LOVE LIFE! I love life in every form. I don’t like to even kill flies. Who am I to decide that life is less important than my own?? Okay – so now you’re probably saying “I can’t believe she’s actually sharing this! Wow! She’s kind of weird!”.
Call me weird all you want but that kind of love that I feel for LIFE allows me to have compassion and be in a state of gratitude for all of the different “kind” of life I get to experience! It allows me to respect the life of my Partner and appreciate his beauty. It allows me to understand the unique qualities in things and people who are not like me. Most of all though, it helps me love to myself. When I am in a place of Divine love for myself, I can truly take 100% responsibility for my life because I know how powerful I am in creating it. When I take 100% responsibility for my own life I quit blaming others, period! When I take 100% responsibility for my own life, I know how important it is to find and see things to be truly grateful for. I know the more I can truly be in a state of gratitude that I WILL LOVE LIFE and I DO!!
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