This morning has been an interesting one, and its not even 8am yet. I’ve been on facebook updating pages for the Healing Drum Retreatand Power of Group Intent. I even hesitate to call it updates, that sound far too “work” related, it’s more like sharing than anything else. It’s funny, I started this day a couple hours ago, and I can’t say that it was a great start because I woke up with my mind already busy. Not a good busy, it was more like waking up in the principals office, being “talked to” by my own thoughts. How demanding they can be! This is Sunday, and I proclaim this Sunday to be my “being” day, and with that I cleared away the chatter and dove deeply into the pool of my own .. wealth. Wow, that’s the word that came into my writings? I certainly cannot deny it, and I don’t want to think about it, I just want to be there. It does feel rich, and fluent.. affluent. Let’s delve a little deeper into those two words. Fluent: Flowing effortlessly; polished. Affluent: a person who is financially well of; Generously supplied; A great quantity; an abundance. Allow me to take a step back at this point and bring into the mix the reason I started this post in the first place. As I stated I was updating fan pages for the Healing Drum Retreat and Power of Group Intent. I had posted as well about the Mayan Daily Insight for this day, and combining yesterday’s post with today’s post gave me enough of an insight that I could springboard into a great space quite easily this morning....KEEP READING! Living with GRAITUDE and ABUNDANCE! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! NAMASTE Linda Join me on FACEBOOK and LIGHT ME UP! Radio
By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b
The “LIGHT ME UP!” Radio Shows intention is to leave you feeling more connected to the pure essence of who you really are. Bringing you back to that place of SELF LOVE and PEACE WITHIN! It doesn’t matter where you are in your journey, tune in EVERY FRIDAY @ 4:00 p.m. MST, put your feet up, feel as though you are with friends! The show is here to SERVE YOU!!
Friday, December 31, 2010
To Say What We Mean..
Thursday, December 30, 2010
I don't know what it is but something is in the air and I'm totally feeling it! It's a good thing! I can only define it as genuine gratitude. I have my gratitude journal that I write in every day except that las week or so, but instead have consciously replaced writing to experiencing and awareness throughout my day.
When I wake up in the morning, I give thanks that I have a new day and that my breath happens so naturally as to happen all on its own - even when I'm sleeping. And my HEART - oh my gosh - how it beats incessantly without asking anything in return. It's miraculous really and I honor that with all the other things that I have to grateful for.
How amazing is it that I have a roof over my head when so many are without. That I have a comfortable bed and water, not only to drink -whenever I'm thirsty, but to lavish in while taking a nice hot shower. Oh...the wonderful smell of the my bath soap and a clean towel to dry off with. What about the CHOICE of food items for breakfast when there are so many around the world who go hungry.
I get into my vehicle that I can afford to fill with gas to get me around in comfort. Oh and my computer that I get to communicate with anyone anywhere at anytime I feel compelled to do so.
How amazing to have a relationship with a man that I adore and respect and love so dearly? I'm so lucky to have such wonderful children who I adore and love so dearly! AND - my family!!! They are amazing and supportive and can honestly describe them as some of my best friends. OH!!!! and my FRIENDS! I have really, really amazing friends!
Okay - maybe this is getting a little boring for you but seriously I could go on and on and on and feel and mean every word of it. I haven't even gotten into the things I give thanks for before I go to bed and after I've reviewed my day. Maybe I'll save that for the next blog. In fact I'm going to add A.M. to the title of this blog and maybe if the Spirit moves me write another blog titled P.M. Gratitude! Oh so many choices - Ahhh!
I've shifted from trying to be grateful into BEING grateful and it's amazing! I hope it sticks :-)! I'm even grateful it's snowing! NOW I KNOW somethings shifted in me - cause THAT NEVER happens!
Make sure to come like me on FACEBOOK!
Check out my newly released CD: Relationship Wealth Inversion!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
by Shanda Sumpter of Wealthy Spiritual Women Does being a woman put you at a disadvantage around wealth and power? Last week a woman shared whole heartedly that she is often victim to men’s advancements and hidden agenda. I had to laugh because during the conversation I learned that I had dropped that book from my mental library. You see, I used to think that being single created a set of problems around business. I used to believe men are always trying to bed you and you’re never quite sure if they think you’re valuable or what? Doing Business in Love has it’s advantages. Fast forward, I am now in a loving amazing relationship. My eyes just teared up writing this because I used to dream about being with a man that is spiritual, loving, and compassionate. He’s not perfect but he’s divine for me....Read MORE!By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b
Are you doing what you love?
By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b
they were too competitive or didn't give enough job security, or they didn't have a high enough earning potential.
your life purpose?
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Today I want to share something very special. I want to share the experience of a friend of mine, a scientist who has been researching global consciousness for over 20 years. This was the experience that started it all: “When I was thirty two, after a year living in Western Australia, I moved to Hobart, Tasmania. I was then at the same latitude South as my birthplace was North. The presence of Antarctica taught me there can be radiant cold. Its icy presence pierced my bones, until it seemed like they could snap. I took a plane North up the coast to Cairns, North Queensland and found a free ashram in Mount Molloy – up in the table lands – run by an English couple. They gave me a garden shed to live in on the edge of their property where I could meditate without being disturbed. I felt an overpowering need to do absolutely nothing other than be awake and aware. When taking walks out into the bush, I’d sit for long stretches. The more still I became inside, the more Nature came alive. A couple of months passed and I settled down. One night I was reading a passage from Jiddu Krishnamurti – wherein he suggested to make “no effort”. I felt compelled to experience effortlessness. By the next morning, having laid awake all night, without need of sleep, a turgid cloud of psychic matter gathered in front of my face – a few inches away. It seemed to contain all that I had withdrawn my attention from, all of what I had not been conscious of until then. It was awesome to be hallucinating my “dis-owned” self. I’d never experienced anything like it before. There was a mental/emotional, as well as physical desire, to turn away from “it”. By sustaining effortless awareness – within the space of a minute or two – the cloud dissolved into the awareness I was witnessing it with. Free from what I had hidden from – who and what I knew my self to be became infused with the radical presence of impersonal awakeness....Keep Reading Namaste! Linda Join me on FaceBook! or visit me on my website and pick up me FREE GIFT
By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b
Sunday, December 26, 2010
What Is The Big Glow?
However you discovered this page you are in the right place at the right time, as there are no accidents. A question you may have is: ‘What is The Big Glow?’ The Big Glow is a poetic metaphor for that which is always inside us… It is not about trying to be happy.. From the book ‘The Big Glow’: Namaste! Linda - Come join me on FaceBook or
By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b
Our spiritual essence which can never truly be put into words..
But is discovered when we stop looking for fulfillment outside of ourselves.
It is about being authentic.
Happiness, Freedom, Inner Peace, Passion, Joy, Meaning, Purpose, Inspiration
are byproducts that come through the self-realization of alignment with our true essence in this moment.
“The intention of this journey we are taking together is to open us
up as human beings to the miracle of life, which is present right
To look at this very moment with a sense of freshness, and
renewed innocence
To take in the world with a sense of wonder and utter awe,
With bewildered amazement
To quiet the mind and open the heart
To realize that you are part of a natural, creative, energetic force
that permeates the entire universe,
Including YOU
To further discover the infinite freedom of your own divine
essence and the power that lies within it....Keep Reading
Excuse is Legit! Leave me alone!
So the Christmas season has come to an end. The building energy of being able to see your intentions of “giving” have come to fruition, the gifts opened and the wrapping paper has be crumpled and thrown away. The family gatherings have come and gone and we are now left to “getting back” to the daily grind.
It can feel like somewhat of a let down. I know it does for me. I love the anticipation of spending time with family and relaxing. Having a “legitimate excuse” for not accomplishing something…. anything! Feeling okay about giving in to that extra cookie or home cooked meal specially prepared by “Mom”.
I don’t often let myself off the hook very easily and Christmas is a time that I actually find it easier to do so because nobody else is working or accomplishing, and because, thank goodness, everything is pretty much shut down on Christmas.
Are you guilty of being hard on yourself too? Always thinking that everybody else is accomplishing more than you (no matter how exhausted you feel at the end of the day)? Why is it that we all seem to compare ourselves and assume that we are the “slackers” and that everybody else seems to have this game called "Life" down to a science??
Don’t you think that is why we are so ready to condemn and judge someone else that we see, who is not “towing the mark” in some area in the way WE think is important? In our sub-conscious mind, it so great to see someone else that might be even worse then ourselves! Woo Hoo! Hallelujah! I’m not the BIGGEST Slacker! There’s someone worse than me!
We especially tend to be very critical in our closest relationships when it comes to having an opinion about the level of accomplishments taking place. I talk about this in detail in the CD I just released called “Relationship Wealth Inversion”. It’s about couples that are thinking about partnering up and working together to build wealth. It can be interpreted for any relationship though and what I’m referring to is always thinking and comparing who’s doing more and who works the hardest.
Anyway, just a reminder to be aware of the fact that your judgement towards yourself and others is always about you. It’s your compass to guide you towards healing that part of yourself that always seems to scream “Slacker”!! at you. Go into the New Year full of forgiveness for yourself and step into your Power, rather than always trying to prove that you’ve got it, and the forgiveness towards others will come more naturally.
Don't forget to sign in and get your FREE GIFT: "Can You Feel Free and Happy in Your Relationship" Inquiry with an hour of Free Audio to go with it!
May your New Year be blessed and full of amazing experiences and enormous expressions of Unconditional Love towards yourself and others!
Make sure to join me on FaceBook
Last but not least :-) - If you would like a free consultation and are interested in personalized coaching, feel free to contact me through this website or
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
~Males...Females...oh what mysteries~
SUNDAY, MAY 23, 2010
By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b
Do you ever wonder where you get your ideas on how to move forward with any single decision? Do you even know who’s at the door of your thoughts before you let them in? Honestly, have you ever stopped to think about it? I mean, your ideas have to come from somewhere. Have you ever considered that maybe when you move through your day you operate from a place of “that’s what you’ve done before” so that’s how you’ll do it again sort of thing?
It’s bizarre how little thought we give to our thoughts! The thoughts that choose what will happen next for us based on our “reaction” about what’s happening. I like the word I just used – reaction. That’s what most of us spend our days doing….REACTING that is. Unless you have a lifestyle that switches the environment and has many different things that happen every single day, I think it’s safe to say that the majority of us have pretty “regular” days, doing the same things, involving the same people in the same environment. We get into our little routines and basically fly on autopilot. We end up spending our days “reacting” rather than consciously choosing in each new unfolding moment.
WHAT IF we could be conscious every minute of the day. Can you imagine what your life might look like??? Oh my gosh!! How fabulous it could be to be so present and in the now that choices became like candy. Many different flavors, colors and, of course, tastes. We could literally become conscious creators in our lives!!! Savoring all the possibilities and optional outcomes! I can only imagine what that would be like because even being a relatively conscious person myself, I do not pull it off 24/7 (not even close). The good news is that we all have the option to choose consciously and choose to be more aware. There’s absolutely nothing stopping us but our own self destructive behaviors.
Choosing to be aware is the key to creating. It’s all you need to start. It will open the treasure chest of life and all the gems that are locked inside! Then asking for Divine assistance and opening your heart to receive it. To create change in your life you must first recognize your ability to choose in the moment what you will do and create what comes next rather than just reacting.
If you want to stimulate this consciousness then start by switching up the mundane things you do every day. Brush your teeth with your other hand. Put your clothes on in the opposite order. Blow your hair dry first instead of make up if you normally do your make up first. I’ve got an idea for you – the second you wake up say a prayer of gratitude and connect to your higher Self. (If you already do that then I don’t recommend a different order on that one). Anyway, who wouldn’t want to run their day more consciously? First becoming aware that you are probably mostly unaware is a start. Then implementing the “switching it up thing” is a great tool to shake things up a bit. Far be it from me to assume I know what you need but I offer all my advice as “food for thought” that I feel is worth mentioning.
Thanks for listening and letting me share! It makes MY life more meaningful!!
Make sure to register for the free gift on the site: How to feel free and happy in your relationship. It's a great start to understanding how to create the relationship you really desire! There's and external inquiry and 4 audio releases. There's over and hour of FREE material that I'm excited to just give away!
If you feel like you could benefit from individual coaching - please contact me. I would be happy to set up a free 15 min. consultation.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
by LINDA nuss on DECEMBER 21, 2010 THIS ONE’S FOR YOU MEN!! Okay – this blog is for all you men out there! I want you all to know that I truly feel your pain. It seems so many relationships are struggling because, in all honesty, women are being summoned to step up the game. Spiritually speaking that is. It is an evolution that is taking place and is happening at an incredible speed. While the Universe is naturally waking women up all around the world to step into their “power”, their “God Self”, their true essence, it’s having a deep affect on relationships. JUST TRUST ME! “BET YOU NEVER HEARD THAT BEFORE” PRESSURE!! (What do you know about PRESSURE?!! – From Ace Ventura-Pet Detective) WE WOMEN ARE LIKE A TRIBE WOMEN HAVE IT SO GOOD! WHAT IF???? WHO DECIDES? COME ON! TAKE IT EASY ON ME! WHO WANT’S THE GOLDEN KEY? I LOVE YA MAN! Check out my newly released CD: RELATIONSHIP WEALTH INVERSION! If you find my blogs helpful and would like to feel expansion and “shift” in your relationship, go to the Contact Linda button and we can get you going on your way to feeling FREE and HAPPY in your relationship! (Sign up for the free gift – Its a Inquiry on how to feel free and happy in your relationship and has 5 audios that go with it!!! I’m GIVING it away FREE!! $350 value) Namaste! Linda Tagged as: God, Love, Men, Men and Women, Relationships, Self Love, Source,Women
I truly believe that the women are going to lead the way to the “new world”. Creating a more loving, authentic, meaningful world. Now don’t go all crazy on me Men and think “Hey, I thought this blog was going to be for us”. I’m getting there and it will be worth it to keep reading. I know it’s the last thing you want to hear from me (a woman none the less) when I say “just trust me”.
Let me just ask you this (and if you can relate to any of this – keep reading)…..Do you feel like you are under so much pressure to hold things together? Like work, marriage, kids and your sanity. Do you find that you feel agitated and resentful when all of the people in your life seem to not agree with you JUST to make your life miserable? Do you feel confused by the fact that your wife seems “put out” when all you want at the end of the day is to act on your desire for her? Where the hell else are you supposed to go? Are you struggling to make ends meet and feel as if you are somehow failing your family? Do you accept that this is just that way life is and feel exhausted and grouchy?
I deeply love all you Men out there. I feel for you because I don’t believe you have the advantage that women have to easily find your “center”. We women are like a tribe and we support each other, encourage each other and invite new ideas to share with each other. We have the energetic bond that creates a circle of space for one another to explore these deeper parts of ourselves that allow us to connect to the Universal Energy that feeds us.
Are you starting to see how women, because of the support, are figuring our way out of this misery – the same misery you guys experience? We are starting to go WITHIN to find our purpose and connecting to WHO WE TRULY ARE at our deepest level. Leaving less room for our external world to define whether or not we are good enough, as well as, how happy we are in any given moment. Also, leaving you guys utterly confused as to why your wife no longer cooperates like she used to, creating more frustration and resentment and “pressure!”
What if I was to sit you guys down, and look into your eyes, and tell you how special you are? What a beautiful human being you are and that your Light is what makes you special and defines you. Imagine if every external thing that you associate with making you comfortable, satiated, loved, successful – just generally “in control” and okay went away. Where would that leave you? Who would that leave you to believe you are? I know that’s a horrible thought! A scary thought for men OR women. But THAT’S the place where you start to find yourself and then define yourself. What if I were to tell you that you come from the pure raw energy of the Universe, of God, of Source, of Spirit (call it what you want) and that you have the power to create all that you want in this life because you ARE GOOD and you ARE LOVE. I suspect that you all would behave and make the same kinds of choices. Like doing nice things for people and working hard. Being a good father, husband, boss etc… The difference is that you would be doing ALL of these things because you ARE good and because you ARE love rather than doing them to convince yourself an others that you’re good and that you’re loving.
When you stop letting all of the people and things in your life decide how you feel, it will alleviate so much pressure. When you quit defining yourself by how much money you make or the car you drive or the big house you live in and know these things don’t truly make you “more/better” than somebody else or worthy of respect, your pressure will be alleviated. When you quit needing sex from your wife to feel loveable and attractive and then genuinely unite to share connection and physical pleasure, the pressure in the marriage will be alleviated. My bet is that you’ll get more of it too (not a bad deal right?). When you quit demanding that your kids behave perfectly to make you “look and feel” like a great dad and instead – coach and nurture them for their well being, your relationship with your children will improve and your feelings or fear of not being or looking like a great dad will be alleviated.
Tell me, how often do YOU get to hear talk like this? How often does somebody have compassion for the amount of pressure you’re under to perform and “be a man”? How often do you even get to learn and not feel embarrassed to listen about the kind of things I’m talking about?
This energy is available to all you guys but the truth of the matter is that society isn’t handing you a golden key or support to actively open up to it. Can you honestly say you feel comfortable asking your buddy “Hey man, I’m feeling kind of sad, what am I not seeing? Can we go get a cup of coffee – I really need to just vent”. Generally this DOESN’T HAPPEN! Now I’m not even proposing that it does necessarily. God forbid I suggest that you start acting like women! I’m pretty sure even WE women wouldn’t like that. All I’m saying that a lot of you guys have never been taught, or even let on to, that there is a part of you that NEEDS nurturing and comforting, encouragement and compassion.
I write this blog to start the energy flowing for all of you men out there. My intention is to get the conversations flowing amongst you guys and offer a place to talk about it with women as well. I would generally say women are becoming the experts in Spiritual development, however, understand that I speak in generalities. I know there are Men who understand this and are deeply connected to their Spirit. I know there are many women struggling with finding inner peace and happiness. I just think it’s lopsided – that’s all. This is my way of saying – “I love you guys!” May you be blessed with the loving Light of the Universe and begin to appreciate your Light as much as I appreciate it in you!
Come join me on FaceBook!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Effortless Passionate Creativity
By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b
December 16th, 2007 by John Wolfe
I’ve been referencing the importance of following our passion a lot recently. It intrigues me to ponder and explore the underlying spiritual ingredients, which make up fruitful, passionate, creative experiences. Once we can identify them more clearly and how they’re evoked, we can intentionally bring these same ingredients into our lives.
I’ve often read if we want to make specific changes in our life experience or accomplish something, we should look to others who have achieved the same thing. By emulating their methods for acquiring success, and applying them to our own unique experiences we too can accomplish our desires.
If this emulation theory works for action based activities, why can’t we apply the same principles for studying and implementing the energetic inspiration behind successful transformations and creations (no matter what they entail)? It’s this energy that gets the ball rolling in the first place. If we are going to start anywhere, it should be at the source of the inspiration- with the type of energy that propelled the eager action.
By far and away, the people that have made major life changes (which actually stick) and are experiencing consistent joy in their lives, are the ones who have found ways to follow their bliss. But what is it about following such pursuits that seems to tap us into an expanded state of awareness?
Why, when we are enthusiastic and raring to go, are we more expansive and full of a zest for life? Why do we feel unstoppable and on fire during such endeavors and why do the results make all other attempts pale in comparison? Of course these activities fuel our juices, but there’s something else responsible for the amazing outcomes produced from residing in these states of being. Keep Reading
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Meditations on Relationships
By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b
Friday, December 17, 2010
Building Trust in a Relationship Again
By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b
Thursday, December 16, 2010
RELATIONSHIP WEALTH INVERSION 12/17/2010 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
Linda, the host of LIGHT ME UP! Radio will be talking about her newly release CD "Relationship Wealth Inversion"! She has combined her 10 years of research and experience to bring amazing insights and applicable tools to help couples build WEALTH and abundance in their relationships. She will explain how building a solid foundation is the KEY and how to build from there. If you and your partner want to connect at a level of unstoppable strength, this is a "must listen"!
Come join me on FACEBOOK! or my website
Or stop in and visit the website! www.lightmeupradio.comPublish
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Letting Go
The early Christian Desert Fathers and Mothers taught that the Way of Jesus is a path of subtraction more than addition. They strove mightily to become loving, forgiving, kind, and compassionate, but they also dropped those things that brought them down or served as a distraction from their surrender to God. They knew how to let go. Thomas a Kempis, in the spiritual classic The Imitation of Christ, also advocated making a regular practice of letting go: "To sum up, dear friend of Mine, unclench your fists, and let everything fly out of your hands. Clean yourself up nicely and stay faithful to your Creator." But how does this work out practically? Usually not without a great deal of intention, effort, and patience with yourself....READ MORE Namaste! Linda Nuss By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b
Letting Go
By Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Spiritual Practices: Love
By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b
The Basic Practice Love of self, love of neighbors, and love of God are the foundational stones of the world's religions. Spiraling out from the core of our being, our other loves are also cobblestones on the spiritual path: love of family, of partner, of friends, of community, of animals, of nature, of country, of things, of hobbies, of work. Love is not something that you just fall into, as the romantic songs suggest. Love is a spiritual practice. You can get better at it over time. Begin by recognizing that you can't love others until you truly love yourself — body, mind, and soul. As you move through a day, be aware of love's expressions emerging from you or coming toward you — attraction, focus, absorption, desire, adoration, security, trust, empathy, caring, harmony, contentment, communion. Practice extending the reach of these feelings. It is through loving that we experience the love of God.....Keep Reading for more INSIGHT! Namaste!! |
Monday, December 13, 2010
6 Simple Tips to Incorporate Meditation into your Life (Without taking ANY time out of your current schedule)
By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b 6 Simple Tips to Incorporate Meditation into your Life When most people think of meditation they picture sitting in an uncomfortable position, eyes closed, with no distractions repeating some mantra they can’t even pronounce! With this way of looking at meditation, it’s no wonder that many of us don’t want to meditate. The sad truth is that while most of us are aware that meditation is beneficial, very few of us actually have a regular meditation practice. Yet this article will show you what meditation really is and give you simple tips for incorporating it into your daily life without changing your current schedule. So what is meditation? Meditation is about being fully present in the moment and in that moment you are “aware” of the truth of who you are (beyond your mind, your body or your situation). Have you ever been in awe of a beautiful sunset so much so that you weren’t thinking about what happened five minutes ago or about what you were going to do in the future? And as you took in the majestic sunset, you noticed how you felt really alive inside. You felt pure bliss, joy or peace. And maybe even had a feeling like, “It doesn’t get any better than this!” Well that is meditation! We often make meditation much more complicated than it really is. Just remember that meditation is about being present in the moment. Therefore, any moment can be your meditation...READ ON FOR THE TIPS
(Without taking ANY time out of your current schedule)
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Inner Peace
By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b
Inner Peace
July 14th, 2009 by John Wolfe
Inner Peace is the title of the 13th Wind of the Soul podcast installment. This episode features a reading of the blog post: 8 Tips for Achieving a More Secure Peaceful State of Mind, along with further thoughts on several of the ideas contained in the entry. This episode’s running time is 10:52 and file size for download is 9.95 MB. It can be played via the embedded player in the Audio section, or on your media player by following the Inner Peace link, or in the embedded You Tube players below.
Thanks for joining me for this installment. I appreciate the continued feedback regarding the podcast series. READ AND WATCH MORE...
Friday, December 10, 2010
By Linda Nuss
Seriously, I do! Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the awareness of the “gift” I’ve been given. When I’m most conscious about this and feeling such gratitude and appreciation, it will send me into a realization about how little I actually live and leaves me knowing I’m heading into a future of having to constantly choose to live BIG. I’m all about simple because I believe that lot’s of “stuff” equals lot’s of weight which I do not want, however, I want to live BIG. I want to experience LIFE and all of its amazing wonders! I believe it’s happening as I write this blog and every moment I feel excited about the next moment.
I don’t always get to write about this because I’m not always sitting in such gratitude. I just happen to be right now. Something tells me you can probably relate to the ebb and flow of gratitude. I WILL say that it does build momentum though. Try to consciously be in gratitude more and more and you’ll see the more and more it just is. Maybe you have experienced this. Either way, I know for sure that gratitude breeds gratitude.
It pains me to say that I’ve been called “weird” a lot throughout my life. Actually, honestly, I’ve sort of always appreciated the label (in a weird sort of way). I guess I never have been overly offended by it because somehow it affirmed my “non-conformity” to the standard conditioned ideas. If it seems I’ve jumped “off course” from the I LOVE LIFE topic, I have I guess, but there is actually an explainable route my brain went that got me here and if you stick with me I’ll explain how it all ties in together.
I got to thinking about some of the things (and I mean just “some”) that have invoked such labeling towards me as being “weird”. Okay – here goes….. I talk to spiders, bugs, squirrels, bee’s and trees –to name just a few. My love for animals is crazy BIG! Animals, especially Dogs, fill me up and make my heart expand in all directions. You see, I LOVE LIFE! I love life in every form. I don’t like to even kill flies. Who am I to decide that life is less important than my own?? Okay – so now you’re probably saying “I can’t believe she’s actually sharing this! Wow! She’s kind of weird!”.
Call me weird all you want but that kind of love that I feel for LIFE allows me to have compassion and be in a state of gratitude for all of the different “kind” of life I get to experience! It allows me to respect the life of my Partner and appreciate his beauty. It allows me to understand the unique qualities in things and people who are not like me. Most of all though, it helps me love to myself. When I am in a place of Divine love for myself, I can truly take 100% responsibility for my life because I know how powerful I am in creating it. When I take 100% responsibility for my own life I quit blaming others, period! When I take 100% responsibility for my own life, I know how important it is to find and see things to be truly grateful for. I know the more I can truly be in a state of gratitude that I WILL LOVE LIFE and I DO!!
PATHWAY TO HAPPINESS 12/10/2010 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Voices of faith: Shouldn't I be happy if I try to live spiritually?
By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b
Voices of faith: Shouldn't I be happy if I try to live spiritually? EMPHASIZE GIVING Pastor Raymond Davis Jr., Greater Corinthian Church of the Christ, Kansas City, Mo.: Happiness is a value achievable through pursuance of the spiritual mind. To be happy is a life lived with a vital trust in the Lord - "Happy is he who puts his trust in the Lord" (Proverbs 16:20). Much of our thinking about being happy is largely dependent upon material possessions and things in general. Such circumstances of thoughts and accomplishments of livelihood are not in any way opposed by God. God is never against prosperity and progressing. However, receiving is not the spiritual life. It's not what we receive from God or others that translates into the spiritual life. It's what God and others receive from us that defines the spiritual life. It's the giving factor in life that is most spiritual and blessed. It's not everybody who can reach the point of being happy through practice of the spiritual principle of giving, but there are those who can and who are happy. The Bible places a distinct emphasis on the circumstance of giving for spiritual living. "Give and it shall be given unto you, for whatever measure you deal out to others will be dealt to you in return" (Luke 6:38). "It is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35). The biblical account of Jacob's dream-ladder experience inspired him to commit to the spiritual life of giving (Genesis 28:10-22). LOOK INSIDE FOR ANSWER...............Read more Namaste!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Video: Do Something EVERY Day
By Linda Nuss - Source: domain-b I thought this was a great website with wise words! Wanted to share. 2010 Happiness Challenge: For those of you following the 2010 Happiness Project Challenge, to make 2010 a happier year – and even if you haven’t officially signed up for the challenge -- last month's theme was Attitude, and last week's resolution was Make the positive argument. Did you try to follow that resolution? Did it help to boost your happiness? This month's theme -- the final theme for 2010 -- is Boot Camp. This week’s resolution is to Do something every day. If you want to read more about this resolution, check out…
Do something EVERY day.
- Alan Loy McGinnus