The “LIGHT ME UP!” Radio Shows intention is to leave you feeling more connected to the pure essence of who you really are. Bringing you back to that place of SELF LOVE and PEACE WITHIN! It doesn’t matter where you are in your journey, tune in EVERY FRIDAY @ 4:00 p.m. MST, put your feet up, feel as though you are with friends! The show is here to SERVE YOU!!
Monday, November 29, 2010
GOODFINDING Is is true that we can manifest all that we want by simply loving ourselves 12/3/2010 - Linda Nuss | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
Friday, November 19, 2010
When I was in kindergarten, my teacher (who should NOT have been teaching small children, by the way – old, burned out and mean!) informed our class that we would be making pumpkins the next day. Doesn’t sound too threatening right? Well, for some “unGodly” reason, I was terrified!! I didn’t KNOW HOW to make pumpkins!
There was a feeling inside of me that believed that EVERYONE else knew how and that I was the only one who didn’t. I agonized over it all night and decided that there was NO WAY I was going to school the next morning! I patiently waited for my mom to go to work and told my Auntie (she took care of me when my mom was away) that I wasn’t going. My Auntie was the kindest Soul that ever lived, I swear, but didn’t intimidate me too much for that reason. In other words, she was kind of a “softie” so I wasn’t too afraid to tell her “I’m NOT going”! She tried to talk some sense into me to no avail. She warned me that my mom was going to be upset with me when she got home from work, but left the decision up to me. I stood firm in my decision as NOTHING was more frightening than making pumpkins when you “don’t know how”!!HOLY CRAP! TELL ME IT’S NOT SO!!!
Well, needless to say, Auntie was right… Mom was pretty upset with me but overall….I was good with it! I had successfully escaped that terrifying pumpkin project and all was back to “right” in my world. Or so I thought. The following day, as it turned out, our class was given additional time to work on the “pumpkin project” because they got started late the previous day. That was about the time all of the color drained out of my face and my 5 yr. old armpits started to sweat!THANK GOD FOR PARENT HELPERS!!
There happened to be a parent helper in the class that day that understood I was behind and she helped me get started. Turns out, all we were doing is cutting out a pre-drawn outline of a pumpkin on orange construction paper and then given brown, green, and various other colored paper to cut out to create the face of the pumpkin to our liking. I kind of remember thinking “that’s all there is to it???”. With a little support and better understanding of the project, I proudly finished my pumpkin to be hung on the wall with the others.HOW MANY OPPORTUNITIES PASS US BY BECAUSE WE DON’T “KNOW HOW”?
It’s interesting how that has been an unconscious pattern for me since that time. Wondering how many opportunities have passed me by. Believing I couldn’t experience them because I didn’t “know how”. Even to this day – and I truly mean – THIS DAY, that belief has kept my flow at the speed of a creek instead of a raging river. TODAY is the day that I will stop allowing this pesky, hidden belief to stand in my way! Today is the day I shine LIGHT upon it, in these words, to dissolve the darkness of the hindrances it causes.“WHAT I DON’T KNOW – I WILL LEARN AS I GO”!
The opportunities that present themselves will be my compass into overcoming, stretching myself to new potential and expansion! There’s nothing I cannot do and I intend to enjoy the journey to the “vision” I have created for myself! I would like to invite you to also go forth and accept your opportunities as a chance to learn, grow and expand! Manifest your dreams and never forget to give thanks for what a great gift this life is to us all.HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!Namaste to you all!Linda
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Extraordianry Living by becoming a POSITIVE REBEL!
Up Coming Show - Friday, November 19 at 3:00 PM
Lee Travathan is the top mentor to entertainment artists worldwide. She specializes in a mental reorganization method known as Extraordinary Thinking, which she developed in 1985. She is the author of the popular Rebel Writer bookseries and is featured in Walking With The Wise for Overcoming Obstacles, Keith Leon's bestselling book, Who Do You Think You Are and his telesummit, If I Can You Can, as well as Suzanna Abbott’s From Failure to Fearless telesummit. Known as one of the greatest minds of our time, Lee remains in service to the world and has no plans of retirement. Her passion is teaching people to be positive rebels, bypassing the common victim mentality of our current social standards.
Join Us Here On Friday
Saturday, November 13, 2010
by LINDA on NOVEMBER 13, 2010
Ever wonder why most of us continue to just run our lives on auto pilot, no matter the external circumstances that continue to present themselves? Relationships are such an amazing tool to get to the bottom of most of our misery, yet we fail to ever take heed of the messages they bring. Why is that? It’s sad to think that often times the intimate relationships we have in our lives are really relationships built from the Ego and not from the place of the total truth of who we are. It’s like two actors in a movie, agreeing to play the parts they are assigned and resenting the fact that neither of them is completely at peace. . . Read More
Friday, November 12, 2010
ENLIGHTENED WEALTHY WOMEN! Creating your own reality!
Up Coming Show - Friday, November 12 at 3:00 PM
Nan Akasha, CHT is a Wealth Esteem & Life Design Coach and Mindset Expert specializing breaking through blocks and attracting money, happiness and personal freedom. Nan is an expert at creating breakthroughs in Money, mindset and business. As a certified Master Hypnotherapist she teaches how to shift beliefs and habits that keep you stuck. She is an experienced guide on how to master your money mind, clear your subconscious blocks to success, and give you experiential processes to create lasting shifts.